The Dreams of Winter's Dead

Closeups of the work can be viewed on the Gallery page, within the e-zine (available at the bottom of this post), or at each individual piece’s listing in the Shop.

The Dreams of Winter’s Dead

i.(the death)

The winding down is soft and the running out is quiet.

light is there until it is no longer.

And the vigil is held and held and held

By evergreens, by stones

By the branches that gently let go of what

They can no longer bear.


The wind begs the question: Can they be remembered?

When all that's left is a memory of the shadows they once cast

Wreathed in warmth

Once new.


So the trees make a promise

Over the quiet winding and soft running out

That the vigil will be held, and held.


Until the light returns

The trees promise to remember how it felt to

Be wrapped up in cool, endless shade.



ii. (the sleep)


The sleep is fragile.

A nest like a scaffold, built of hopeful gestures

And misremembered moments

When they thought that they'd been seen.


But the songbirds pay no mind to what the dead believed themselves to be


And the wind blows through them all the same, shaking loose the fragile threads

The dead had sewn to keep themselves

To themselves.


Brightness, darkness, the skeleton of joy

And their pale bones all shiver

In the wind

A breath away from breaking.


Sleeping in a brittle pause of circadian rhythms


Only as long as ice is in the rivers' veins

And snow makes their eyelids heavy.



iii. (the dream)


Then when they wake up to their dreams, they do not see us standing.


Kneeling and waiting

and crying in our cars.


They are alive in their sleep, learning how from the hugging dark is born


And inside the blurry edges of memory and prophecy is



We whisper the names of butterfly colors, and we feel less lost with the warmth of rain on our cheeks, but the dead still dream.


They don't hear our whenwillyouwake?

They hear a river clamoring as it discovers that in its colorless blood is golden glittering.


They don't see us grope for what they've shed.

The leaves they dream of grow brighter than any they've left behind.

If you’d like to have a digital compilation of this artwork, and the poem that accompanies it, please click here to download the e-zine which also contains my reflections on this collection of work.